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Packaging machines have taken a s​olid step forward for China

Packaging machines have taken a solid step forward for China

Author: Eva | Time: January 15, 2018

The packaging machinery industry is one of the top 10 machinery industries in China. Rapid economic development is an integral part of the packaging machinery industry. The impact of the packaging machine is more than that. The packaging machinery industry opens the door to the world. The market allows China to move forward steadily.

The Chinese packaging machinery industry started relatively late, and the early technologies were largely underdeveloped by adopting advanced foreign technology and imported parts. But we have the gasoline and residual waste in the country, which is tightly integrated with the demand of the packaging machinery market. Independent innovation and continuous improvement, the standards of our packaging machines must keep up with the international market. Packaging machines are now widely used in light industry, food industry, cosmetic industry and other industries, they are also widely used for packaging of export products, and after years of development, Japanese packaging machines have matured and have sufficient capacity to meet basic needs. But foreign packaging machines can have a significant impact on a country. Packaging machines and packaging machines need to have assertive attitude to speed up product upgrades.




Contact: Dennis Wong

Phone: +86-757-6395 2051

Whatsapp: autompack

Email: info@autompack.com

Add:6th floor, Workshop No. 4, Lane 2, Dazhuang Road, Lijia Development Zone, Shangan Community, Danzao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan city, Guangdong, China.